Sunday, June 6, 2010

The things that make you a Twi-Hard! Post 5

Oh my god, when you watch a new clip from the latest movie (eclipse) at least 10 times in 20 minutes and each time ur just about biting your arm to stop yourself from screaming, or you know what, when you watch an old one from twilight or new moon and u jump up and down in awe of edward and bella's love!
lol MTV movies awards! so awesome!

Picture of the day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Picture of the day!

The things that make you a Twi-Hard! Post 4

Ok well this is a funny one me and my buds were writing our names on the concrete path at school, and my friends initials are, E.A.R.H! and yes i made a connection lol of course, Esme Alice Rosalie Hale LOL her middle names are alice and rose but yeh! i got excited so yes you definately know ur a twi-hard when you do that! lol
Oh i got this wicked as new moon bracelet it's awesome!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What it means to be a Twihard post 3!

Okay now you might think that this is crazy, but you know ur a twihard when you start imagining(day dreaming) that The cullens are a new family in town, and that you have a class with Edward, and you imagine yourself talking to him or gazing at him when you're suppose to be doing maths. lol crazy but true!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The things that make you a Twi-Hard! Post 2

Hey there everyone!
The thing that makes you a twihard number 2.... that's easy when you only by magazines if they have someting to do with twilight on the front, if it doesn't you walk straight by and are very disapointed!
lol want to send a special Hello to my mate Gemma who is now an official character in my story that i'm writing Titled at the moment Fearless Confessions!
xoxoxo till next time.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More Eclipse Sneak Peek Screen Captions!

Eclipse Sneak Peek Screen Captions!

The things that make you a Twi-Hard! Post 1

*Hi there people, i would really like it if you read this!*
Number one thing that makes you a Twi-Hard is...... when you want to name your new puppy dog Jacob, or when you already have a dog and you want to change there name to seth or jacob or same or paul. or the same thing with ur cat, you want to nmae it jasper or esme or alice. Yeah i'm sure a few of you know what i'm talking about!

if you wish to know that the red rose means, it really doesn't, i love roses and my favourite colour is red, plus red stands for blood and that connects to vampires which connects to twilight. :P

Until next time
lots of love